产品名称 |
大豆异黄酮维E软胶囊 |
编 号 |
12 |
主 要 文 字 内 容 |
国食健字G20080032 国家食品药品监督管理总局批准 |
本品是以大豆异黄酮粉、维生素E、葵花籽油、明胶、甘油、纯化水、柠檬黄、二氧化钛为主要原料制成的保健食品,经动物功能试验证明,具有增加骨密度的保健功能。 [主要原料] 大豆异黄酮粉、维生素E、葵花籽油、明胶、甘油、纯化水、柠檬黄、二氧化钛 [标志性成分及含量]每100g含:大豆异黄酮7.0mg、大豆苷3.40mg、大豆苷元0.08mg、染料木素0.02mg、染料木苷3.50mg、维生素E 608.5mg [保健功能] 本品经动物实验评价,具有增加骨密度的保健功能 [适宜人群] 中老年女性 [不适宜人群] 少年儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、妇科肿瘤患者及有妇科肿瘤家族病史者 [食用方法及食用量] 每日2次,每次1粒,温水送食 [产品规格] 500mg/粒 [保质期] 24个月 [贮藏方法] 置阴凉干燥防潮处 [注 意 事 项] 本品不能代替药物;不宜与含大豆异黄酮成分的产品同时食用,长期食用注意妇科检查;本品添加了营养素,与同类营养素同时食用不宜超过推荐量 [执行标准] Q/WZK 0012S [食品生产许可证号]SC11337100100209 [生产日期及批号]见瓶体 保健食品产地:山东省威海市 委托商:威海紫光科技园有限公司 委托商地址:威海市东安路179-8号 受委托生产商:威海紫光生物科技开发有限公司 受委托生产商地址:威海齐鲁大道68号 电话: 本品如已拆封,请尽快食用
This product is health food made by using the Soy Isoflavones powder, Vitamin E, Sunflower oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, lemon yellow, Titanium dioxide as the main materials, proved has the health care function of increasing bone mineral density by animal function test. [Ingredient] Soy Isoflavones powder, Vitamin E, Sunflower oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, lemon yellow, Titanium dioxide [Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Soy Isoflavones 7.0mg、Daidzin3.40mg、 Daidzein 0.08mg、Genistein 0.02mg、Genistin 3.50mg、Vitamin E 608.5mg [Health care function] This product is evaluated by animal experiments, and has the health function of increasing bone density [Suitable group]Middle-aged and Older women [Unsuitable group] The young children、Pregnant women, women in lactation、Gynecological cancer patients andthose who have a family history of gynecologic oncology[Dosage] 1 softgel each time, 2 times per day, edible with warm water[Specification]500mg/ softgel [Period of validity] 24 months[Storage] Keep in cool and dry place [Attention] This product can’t instead of medicine;it unsuitable eat with products containing soy isoflavones together, long-term consumption attention gynecological examination;The products add nutrients,can not be edible over the recommended amount or taken with the similar food together at the same time [Administer standard] Q/WZK 0012S [Food production license No.] SC11337100100209 [Production date and batch number]See the bottle |